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FCA of CA Newsletter

Our volunteers publish a quarterly newsletter detailing the recent and upcoming events, articles of interest, and important information. 

We are a non-profit consumers' advocacy group serving California, dedicated to protecting a consumer's right to choose a meaningful, dignified, affordable funeral. Think of us as if we were the "Consumer Reports" of the funeral business. We have all of our newsletters on this page for 1 year. If you are looking for something older please visit our Archive page. 

Would you like to join our email list and receive our quarterly newsletter in your email box? 

April 2022

It’s already April of 2022 and time for our Annual Conference. We have decided on an exciting set of topics. From what we have been hearing many Californians are trying to spare the environment and opting for aquamation as their preferred form of body disposition. However it is difficult to find a funeral establishment that offers this service. We will hear from a mortician who offers aquamation and he will share a brief description of the process along with the struggles to become licensed to provide this alternative form of cremation. You will also hear from the CA Cemetery and Funeral Bureau about hydrolysis (aka. water cremation, aquamation) and any new legislation that passed last year and is in session this year. Please see the flyer on our website: with information about the speakers and come join us via Zoom! The FCACA Board of Directors wishes to provide you with this important update of our activities. All organizations whether they are for profit or nonprofit experience evolutions of their structure throughout their lives.

Winter/February 2021

Welcome 2021 and all affiliates to a different environment as we face the challenges of the pandemic. We will thrive and continue to serve our communities and the public as a whole. Here at the FCA of CA we have been busy sending emails and talking on Zoom to one another.

The various projects that we will begin/continue to work on throughout the year include the following:

See you soon!

Warmest regards,

Cheryll M. Moore, President

Fall 2020

President’s Reminder


The time is drawing near for our Annual State Conference and we are pleased to host Josh Slocum our FCA National Executive Director as the keynote speaker this year. We hope to see you on Saturday, September 12th at 1:30 PST on Zoom. Don’t forget to sign up on our website:   See you soon!

Warmest regards,

Cheryll M. Moore, President

Summer 2020

President’s Message to
FCA Affiliates and Friends

In this edition I plan on a brief message to allow the affiliates space for their articles of interest. We are hoping that all of the affiliates throughout the state will participate in this process.

So…I just wanted to remind every affiliate, their board members, volunteers and members about our upcoming annual conference and workshops to be conducted via Zoom. Please see the flyer at the beginning and end of this newsletter to pass along to all interested parties. We hope to see you online!

I look forward to communication with all affiliates this year and can be reached at Phone: 916-904-6577 or 530-367-3018     via Email:

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. The Board Members can also be reached via the FCA State Directory:   Go to the Find Your Local Affiliate tab and Click on the Directory link.  

Warmest regards,

Cheryll M. Moore, President

Spring 2020

President’s Message to
FCA Affiliates and Friends


Hello Everyone,

I am honored to be elected to serve as the Board President of the Funeral Consumers Alliance of California. We have a busy year ahead of us and wish to communicate more effectively with the affiliates and public throughout California. 

First I wish to greet newly elected Board Members Bev Blum, John Jones and Randy Siefkin to the Board of Directors and thank for their continued great service Hannah Dunton, Sylvia Forsyth and Kathy Ortiz. We are a cohesive team that supports one another and offers assistance when the need arises. Thank you to all of you for your time and energy.

© 2022 FCA-CA

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