Funeral Consumers Alliance of California
Funeral Consumers Alliance of California Affiliates
The following is a compendium of the affiliates within the state of California. If you do not see your area represented, please contact us for more information.
Some of our affiliates are affiliated with both the state and national FCAs. Please contact your local affiliate for more information.
We also have this PDF print out of our Directory of Affiliates:
National Funeral Consumers Alliance
California Local Affiliates

FCA of Humboldt
Serving Humboldt County
P.O. Box 856 Arcata, CA 95518
(707) 822-8599
Pres. Katherine Ortiz
Email: katzztheva@gmail.com
Email: fcahumboldt@gmail.com
Website: fcahumboldt.org

Bay Area Funeral
Consumers Association
Serving San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Marin, Sonoma, Alameda, and Contra Costa counties
P.O. Box 60448, Palo Alto, CA 94306-0448
(650) 321-2109
Email: office@ba-fca.org
Website: www.bafca.org
FCA Los Angeles
Affiliate of FCA of California only
PO Box 122 Cressey, CA 95312
Ph. 213-222-6440
Email: support@fcalosangeles.org
Website: fcalosangeles.org
FCA of San Joaquin & The Mother Lode
Serving Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, San Joaquin, Tuolumne counties
P.O. Box 4832, Stockton, CA 95204
(209) 465-2741
Email: funeralconsumersallianceofSJ@gmail.com
FCA of Stanislaus/Merced Counties
P.O.Box 4252 Modesto, CA 95352
Ph. and Fax: (209) 521-7690 (24-hr. ans.)
President: Randy Siefkin
Email: support@fcasmc.org
Website: fcasmc.org
San Diego Memorial Society
Serving San Diego County
13446 Poway Rd., #207 San Diego, CA 92064
(858) 391-1267; Fax 858-391-1268
Andrea Barnes, Office Coordinator
Email: office@sdmsonline.com
Website: sdmsonline.com
Central Coast Memorial Society
Serving San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties
Affiliate of FCA of California only
PO Box 679 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406
(805) 543-6133; 8am to 5pm, M-F (message)
Website: www.sdmsonline.com
FCA of Monterey Bay
Serving Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz counties since 1974
Box 2900, Santa Cruz, CA 95063
(831) 661-0328
President Sylvia Forsyth
Treasurer: Truette Bobo
Email: fcamb@gmail.com
Website: fcamb.org
Tri-Country Memorial Funeral Society
Serving Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties
P.O. Box 51893, Irvine, CA 92619
Email: info@tri-countyfunerals.org
Website: tri-countyfunerals.org